Is it possible to restore potency at the age of 60?

In the past, sexual problems were considered the norm for older men. Modern medicine claims that the causes of loss of potency and lack of sexual desire are well corrected. This allows people over the age of 60 to remain sexually active.

Causes of low potency in the elderly

mature man with weak potency how to increase after 60 years

Factors influencing men’s health are conditionally divided into two groups: internal, which are related to poor health, and external, psychological.


Causes of genital circulatory disorders:

  • Smoking.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Diabetes.
  • Obesity.
  • Stroke.
  • High pressure.
  • Lack of hormones.
  • Bad ecology.
  • Inflammation of the penis.


Psychological causes of male failure during intercourse:

  • Depression - loss of libido occurs due to a feeling of loneliness, a deterioration in appearance.
  • Anxiety, fear behind the first setbacks during sex, attachment to a long erection.
  • Decreased concentration.
  • Stress, chronic fatigue.
  • Neurosis in the background of loss of physical health.
  • It’s an embarrassing feeling to see a doctor with an erectile dysfunction.

How to restore potential in 60 years

The deterioration in the quality of sex life is gradual. To increase potency, you must first see a doctor at age 60. He performs examinations, prescribes examinations and tests, finds out the psychological conditions of potency loss.

The choice of treatment method depends on the outcome of the diagnosis.


Medicines called phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors are used to restore the effectiveness of men over the age of 50. The active ingredients in these medicines help the penis to maintain an erection. They do not increase sexual desire, their effect is limited. Medications should be taken on an empty stomach one hour before the intended sexual intercourse. The effect lasts for about 4 hours.

The next dose is allowed no earlier than 24 hours later.

Side effects of potency-enhancing drugs:

  • headache;
  • redness of the skin;
  • indigestion;
  • dizziness;
  • vision distortion.


  • low pressure;
  • heart attack;
  • liver disease;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • take such medications.

Injecting special drugs into the penis will also help improve your erection. You must be trained by a doctor before using this method. Alternatively, a device containing such a drug may be inserted into the urethra. In the absence of the hormone, testosterone tablets are prescribed. Depression and anxiety are treated with antidepressants.

Surgical intervention

Prosthetics are recommended for men who do not respond to medication. To maintain an erection, special inserts are surgically inserted into the penis. Penis prostheses are made in the form of semi-rigid rods or inflatable cylinders.

Such an operation may cause infection, erosion, pain, or mechanical damage.

natural methods

If the problem is not too pronounced, folk methods will help improve erections. They are also used in combination with the treatment prescribed by your doctor.

How to restore potency to yourself:

  1. Take the excess weight. It puts extra strain on the heart, disrupting normal blood circulation.
  2. Go play sports. Active walking, running, gymnastics and swimming strengthen the muscles of the pool and lower abdomen.
  3. Eat a vitamin-rich, zinc-rich diet and learn the basics of a healthy, low-sugar diet.
  4. Use natural erection stimulants - decoctions, hawthorn, lemongrass, ginseng or thyme tinctures.
  5. Have a prostate massage.
  6. Avoid stress.

How to keep men healthy after 60 years

The increased potency of men after 60 years is not a myth but a reality. To successfully treat erectile dysfunction, you need to see a doctor in time, find out the cause of the problem, and prevent it from getting worse.

Preventive measures:

  1. Check the health of your urinary system carefully, do not try to cure prostatitis alone, such as prostatitis.
  2. Perform examinations annually, examine the genitals, perform an ultrasound.
  3. Do not hesitate to contact a psychotherapist if you have a misunderstanding with your sexual partner about losing your sexual desire.